Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Start of a New Decade!!

i intended to start this blog last year, but ehh, i lagged. a start of a new decade comes along and i have yet to post 1 entry. not that i don't have the time because i do. i'm not really even sure what i'll be bloggin about just yet since i've been MIA in the last 10+ yrs or so and i don't even know if my life, hobbies, career, etc are interesting enough for people to even want to read it. hahaha.

so here's my first entry. yay!! i finally got it going. i don't know how often i'll be posting, but i will try and post something at least 3x a week. it may even slow down to once a week depending what i'm thinking or how interesting my life is that i wanna actually share to the public.

stay tuned...more to come

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