Wednesday, February 17, 2010

After All These Years...

...i'm still gangsta and ill!! people may call it mid-life crisis, but it's the 'hood' in me. growing up building and owning primary imports when it comes to motorcycles (honda, suzuki, ducati), imports (honda, datsun, toyota) and euros (porsche), i decided to build something that best renders who i am....a harley-davidson and a chevy impala. ok, they may not be today's standards when it comes to ballin 'whips', but it represents character, attitude, and personality. that's what matters!!

Here's my black harley-davidson deluxe (flstn)
yes, it's a red rag!! i always fly my colors

and my red on red 62 chevy impala lo'lo (first the engine bay)
here she is fully lay'd on bags is it mid-life crisis? knaw!! just being me...The Master of Defiant Behavior!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Will it finally hit the Drag Strip...

...after 15 yrs?! Matt, a Redline member, sent me couple photos the other day and sure enough it was my old 'ef' or should i say, 'dx'. i haven't seen the car since it was sold to russ and to be quite honest, i really didn't care to much to see or hear about it. for those who know me, i always take things to a new level especially when it comes to something of interest to me. well, this is one project that continues to leave a sour taste in my mouth only because i felt i failed in getting this car running under the Redline name. if things turned out differently, there would be no doubt in my mind that this car would have set the standards and records in import drag racing.

ehh...could'a, would'a, should'a!! i'm glad it's finally going to see some sunlight and i wish russ the very best. i'm hoping i can see the car in person soon to get more information and snap a few more photos. here's a couple for now.

single turbo s2k motor
estimated at 1200 rwhp

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Allow me to RE-INTRODUCE myself...

well, not really!! for those who know me or heard of me, then you all know the name "junior asprer" and "redline racing" became a household name during the early days of import drag racing with my 1988 honda civic dx.

here's a pic of 'her' in 1995. that's 15yrs ago and the term 'jdm' was unspoken of during this era.

i didn't know what i was thinking back then, but i should have never decided to transform 'her' to this. (below) car is still in existence, and just recently heard the motor is pushing 1200hp. i can't wait to see it come back to life since it's been in hiding for over 10yrs. more to come when i hear some news.

ok..there! when you hear the name "junior", it's synonomous to think about my 1988 honda civic dx, or should i say in 'jdm' 1988 honda 'ef'.

this is where everything started for me, and although i was MIA the last 10+yrs doesn't mean i've lost my 'gangsta' vision when it comes to customizing anything. period!

Start of a New Decade!!

i intended to start this blog last year, but ehh, i lagged. a start of a new decade comes along and i have yet to post 1 entry. not that i don't have the time because i do. i'm not really even sure what i'll be bloggin about just yet since i've been MIA in the last 10+ yrs or so and i don't even know if my life, hobbies, career, etc are interesting enough for people to even want to read it. hahaha.

so here's my first entry. yay!! i finally got it going. i don't know how often i'll be posting, but i will try and post something at least 3x a week. it may even slow down to once a week depending what i'm thinking or how interesting my life is that i wanna actually share to the public.

stay tuned...more to come